425 Quotes by Carl Sandburg

  • Author Carl Sandburg
  • Quote

    Better the blue silence and the gray west, The autumn mist on the river, And not any hate and not any love, And not anything at all of the keen and the deep:Only the peace of a dog head on a barn floor, And the new corn shoveled in bushels And the pumpkins brought from the corn rows, Umber lights of the dark, Umber lanterns of the loam dark. Here a dog head dreams. Not any hate, not any love. Not anything but dreams. Brother of dusk and umber.

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  • Author Carl Sandburg
  • Quote

    Maybe the morning sun is a five-cent yellow balloon,And the evening stars the joke of a God gone crazy. Maybe the mothers of the world, And the life that pours from their torsal folds— Maybe it’s all a lie sworn by liars, And a God with a cackling laughter says:“I, the Almighty God, I have made all this, I have made it for kaisers, czars and kings.

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