409 Quotes by Laurence Galian

  • Author Laurence Galian
  • Quote

    It is perfectly acceptable to remind the universe the reason She was created. And if any of the gods or goddesses toy with thee, it is perfectly acceptable for you to toy with them! Threaten to destroy or burn their effigies, their sacred books, statues, altars, and so forth, if they ignore your sincere entreaties.

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  • Author Laurence Galian
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    You need clear thinking to prevent an invasion of Alien Parasites, and to battle them. The 'reality' of Las Vegas, Hollywood, Haute Couture, politics, pornography, advertising, supermarket tabloids, are all false realities designed to deceive and confuse you with what is truly authentic. They also weaken your mind, because these false realities hypnotize you. You mind becomes weak and passive, and so therefore you have no mental defenses against the mind parasites.

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  • Author Laurence Galian
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    However, some realities lack an integral congruence, they lack an alignment with the attributes of the nature of the Absolute. When people say, 'Something smells rotten,' they are intuitively referring to the fact that something is not in harmony with the truth or it is synthetic (lacking in authenticity).

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  • Author Laurence Galian
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    The creation of artificial realities is not much different from how we enjoy today's movies depicting life in Ancient Egypt, life during the Middle Ages, reenactment of wars, or life during the Renaissance. We are living in a virtual reality universe, a video game created by a civilization 1,000 to 100,000 years older than us. And they themselves are also simulations (virtual reality). These levels of hierarchies can extend to a vast degree above us, creating levels of gods or spirits.

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  • Author Laurence Galian
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    The various schools, dergahs, ashrams, tekkes, organizations, and holistic centers that purportedly teach paths to 'enlightenment' have some poor track records of late. To cover up their students' widespread lack of enlightenment, the teachers of these schools portray enlightenment as something that is infrequent, unusual and difficult to achieve.

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  • Author Laurence Galian
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    Just as it was not necessary for Beethoven to know the science of the physical manufacture of the instruments in his orchestra in order for him to compose, it is not necessary for you to understand vortex based mathematics, fractal field theory, dodecahedrons, geometric solids, calculus, Fibonacci series, centripetal force, and quantum physics in order to become enlightened.

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