1,051 Quotes by Theodore Roosevelt

  • Author Theodore Roosevelt
  • Quote

    There are many kinds of success in life worth having. It is exceedingly interestingand attractive to be a successful businessman, or railway man, or farmer, ora successful lawyer or doctor; or a writer, or a President, or a ranchman, or thecolonel of a fighting regiment, or to kill grizzly bears and lions. But for unflagginginterest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonably well,certainly makes all other forms of success and achievement lose their importanceby comparison.

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  • Author Theodore Roosevelt
  • Quote

    The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others.

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  • Author Theodore Roosevelt
  • Quote

    Is it only in the army in the Philippines that Americans sometimes commit deeds that cause all other Americans to regret? [Theodore Roosevelt 1901 relating reports of water torture in the Philippines to lynching in the south]

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  • Author Theodore Roosevelt
  • Quote

    History which is not professedly utilitarian, history which is didactic only as great poetry is unconsciously didactic, may yet possess that highest form of usefulness, the power to thrill the souls of men with stories of strength and craft and daring, and to lift them out of their common selves to the heights of high endeavor.

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  • Author Theodore Roosevelt
  • Quote

    I ended my statement to the colored soldiers by saying: "Now, I shall be very sorry to hurt you, and you don't know whether or not I will keep my word, but my men can tell you that I always do;" whereupon my cow-punchers, hunters, and miners solemnly nodded their heads and commented in chorus, exactly as if in a comic opera, "He always does; he always does!

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