15 Quotes by Akiroq Brost about judgment

  • Author Akiroq Brost
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    What are we basing our reaction on? Is it something that actually happened? Or, is it based on reality not meeting our expectations? Are we always right about everything? Do all of our perceptions have to be so rigid? Or can we look at something without expectation, and without judgment?

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  • Author Akiroq Brost
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    People are different. We can’t paint everyone with the same brush. Some people will Zig and some people will Zag. That doesn’t mean one is right and the other is wrong. There really is no universal standard of “normal”. In many cases, the ideals of “normality” are not attainable. They are simply not realistic. Allow people to be different.

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  • Author Akiroq Brost
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    A gentle reminder— just because you see something, just because you know something, does not mean everyone else does too. What’s more you could be wrong about whatever you think you see or know. Keep an open mind. Don’t rush to judgment. Cut people a bit of slack. Worry more about what you are doing than whatever everyone else is doing.

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