17 Quotes by Alexandra Bracken about Vida

  • Author Alexandra Bracken
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    Miss Vida" Liam said "has anyone never told you that you are positively the whipped cream on the sundae of life?"She glared at him."Anyone ever told you your head is shaped like a pencil?""That is physically impossible," Chubs groused."He'd be__""Actually Liam began, "Cole once did try to__ What?""Oh,I'm sorry," Chubs said, "apparently the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours. Do continue.

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  • Author Alexandra Bracken
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    I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd be up for hearing about the one-eyed chick," Vida said with a shrug. "You are atually the worst person I have ever met," Chubs said. "And people like you are the reason we have middle fingers.

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  • Author Alexandra Bracken
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    Also, screw you—maybe you can be all stealthy and break into their building to get the woman out, but I can getus there and back safely. I did this for months and never got a second glance from anyone, including PSFs.”“Probably because your ugly-ass face blinded them on the first look,” she muttered.

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  • Author Alexandra Bracken
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    I was looped in on your little romantic quest. The only way to get me out without it looking suspicious was to suggest that I come after you dumb asses, since I supposedly know your crappy personality so well.

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