25 Quotes by Anton Chekhov about Writing

  • Author Anton Chekhov
  • Quote

    CONSTANTINETrigorin has worked out a process of his own, and descriptions are easy for him. He writes that the neck of a broken bottle lying on the bank glimmered in the moonlight, and that the shadows lay black under the mill-wheel. There you have a moonlit night before your eyes, but I speak of the shimmering light, the twinkling stars, the distant sounds of a piano melting into the still and scented air, and the result is abominable.

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  • Author Anton Chekhov
  • Quote

    You are confusing two notions, "the solution of a problem" and "the correct posing of the question". Only the second is essential for the artist.

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  • Author Anton Chekhov
  • Quote

    Anyone who says the artist's field is all answers and no questions has never done any writing or had any dealings with imageryYou are confusing two concepts: answering the questions and formulating them correctly. Only the latter is required of an author.

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  • Author Anton Chekhov
  • Quote

    I let myself go at the beginning and write with an easy mind, but by the time I get to the middle I begin to grow timid and to fear my story will be too long. . .That is why the beginning of my stories is always very promising and looks as though I were starting on a novel, and the middle is huddled and timid, and the end is...like fireworks.

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  • Author Anton Chekhov
  • Quote

    It's not a matter of old or new forms; a person writes without thinking about any forms, he writes because it flows freely from his soul.

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