73 Quotes by Awdhesh Singh about Happiness

  • Author Awdhesh Singh
  • Quote

    In order to bring lasting joy to our lives, we must harmonise the past, the present and the future. We must think about the past, be in the present but also visualise our future in a harmonious rhythm. When all three time dimensions are present in our life, we enjoy peace and happiness.

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  • Author Awdhesh Singh
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    When we depend on the outside world for our happiness, there are billions of causes that can take away our joy. We need to find an anchor which can tie us to our happiness like a ship is tied to the shoreline. We need to board this big ship to achieve stability and protect ourselves from the uncertain waves of life.

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  • Author Awdhesh Singh
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    When you are in harmony with others, life becomes a celebration because you can bring happiness to the lives of numerous people associated with you. The interdependence does not prick you as you love being with people and wish to make their lives better. When you give joy to others, you get back much more joy in your life

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  • Author Awdhesh Singh
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    Most people don’t consider happiness as an important goal of life because happiness is an internal feeling and not an external achievement. Most people wish to achieve things that are discernible and acknowledged by the world as an achievement. They want success, power, fame, wealth—things that can be quantified as accomplishments. Happiness simply does not fit in this bill. Hence, many people don’t consider happiness as an achievement.

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  • Author Awdhesh Singh
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    A happy person compares only with self. He tries to be a better person than what he had been yesterday. He tries to help everyone to become better than what they are rather than pulling them down to satisfy his own sense of misplaced superiority. He has no desire of making others miserable by berating them and destroying their happiness.

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  • Author Awdhesh Singh
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    The key to happiness is to use the source of happiness in the right quantity, at the right time and in the right way. There is nothing wrong per se with love, family, wealth, pleasure, power or fame. They are all necessary for happiness and living a good life. However, they become a source of problem, when we use them wrongly or in excess or at the wrong time.

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  • Author Awdhesh Singh
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    when you are earning money by doing what you don’t particularly like, there will be an urgent need to buy pleasure and happiness, from the acquired money to justify the pain and suffering you are going through in your work. The more is the suffering in earning the wealth, the greater is the desire of enjoying pleasure from the money so earned.

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  • Author Awdhesh Singh
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    Most of us believe that wealth is the greatest source of happiness. People sacrifice everything to earn wealth with the hope that it will lead to happiness. Undoubtedly, wealth can provide us with worldly pleasures, comforts, status in the society and even fame, but it is noteworthy that our greatest source of pain is also wealth.

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