18 Quotes by C. JoyBell C. about Self-awareness

  • Author C. JoyBell C.
  • Quote

    Please remember that the lightning has never apologized for breaking skies open; the ocean has never said sorry for sinking ships. You, as well, must never apologize for being a force of nature. And as you love the lightning and as you love the oceans, so shall you love yourself. The skies are yours, the depths are yours-- that is okay. After all, Immortal is not a small nor simple thing. You'd have to be stupid to think it would be easy.

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  • Author C. JoyBell C.
  • Quote

    We must always remember that we are not obliged to give away all of the light in us. We may keep it within us, let it burn inside, let it light up our own minds and fuel up our own hearts. Our light is primarily OURS. Then as we illuminate from what is within, others may see, and they may have light too. The business of giving all of our light away... it is a great deception, a big fat lie.

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