8 Quotes by C. JoyBell C. about parenting

  • Author C. JoyBell C.
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    I always tell my son, "Make sure that you live the life that you're meant to live. You might get married and divorced six times; that's okay, that's your story. You might get married once and stay with that person for the rest of your life; that's okay too. You might never get married and that's just fine! Make sure that you live the life that's meant for you, to the fullest capacity of how you're meant to live it, not how others think you're supposed to live it.

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  • Author C. JoyBell C.
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    I truly am %100 convinced that, if you want to raise knights and noble women, you must teach your children the philosophies of old. I have been teaching my son ancient philosophies since he was nine years old. It becomes a thought pattern, a way of life, an ingrained character. The philosophy of old is the stuff of knights and queens! If I can one day, I will put up a school dedicated to raising young children in the ways of old, from a fresh young age!

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  • Author C. JoyBell C.
  • Quote

    The problem with parenting today? Children are not raised! They are just born and fed and clothed. Then upon them are placed ornaments for the eyes of others to see: superficial actions and ways, all of which pass away as sure as the sun sets every evening! Why are you not raising nobility? Why are you not raising Knights and Queens? Feed those souls, give them character!

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