26 Quotes by Carlos Ruiz Zafón about Life

  • Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
  • Quote

    Don Ricardo wanted a successor worthy of himself. Jorge would always be cocooned in the privileges of his class, hiding from his mediocrity in creature comforts. Penelope, the beautiful Penelope, was a woman, and therefore a treasure, not a treasurer. Julian, who had the soul of a poet, and therefore the soul of a murderer, fulfilled all the requirements. It was only a question of time.

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  • Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
  • Quote

    He believed that life gives us all a few moments of happiness. For some they last hours or days, for a few lucky ones they last for years. The memories from those moments stays with us forever and turns into a country of memory to which we try to go back for the rest of our lives without ever being able to

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  • Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
  • Quote

    Това е едва началото, за да постигнеш каквото и да било в живота. Природната дарба е като силата на един атлет. Човек може да се роди с повече или по-малко способности, но все пак никой не става атлет само защото се е родил висок, силен или бърз. Трудът, опитът и техниката - те са тези, които създават атлета или човека на изкуството. Уменията, с които идваш на бял свят, са просто боеприпаси. За да постигнеш нещо с тях, е нужно да превърнеш ума си в точно оръдие.

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