15 Quotes by Dave Hollis about Self-help

  • Author Dave Hollis
  • Quote

    Don't give up the power you have to be who you were meant to be because of what people who are not thinking about you might think. These people you're worried about? Their fulfillment does not hinge on your success. It's your dream, and because of that you have to make a choice. Are you going to keep people who are just casually part of your life happy, or are you going to be fulfilled?

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  • Author Dave Hollis
  • Quote

    Limiting beliefs are things we mistakenly hold as truths about ourselves. As they inform our identities, they give us permission to pursue certain dreams, act in a certain way, have confidence in our abilities, or think we do or don’t have the right to do certain things. We think these are laws, that we have to learn to live within their bouns. But this is simply not the case.

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  • Author Dave Hollis
  • Quote

    That choice - the decision to unapologetically reach for a better version of herself - had an effect on me over time. What started as anger (obviously, in hindsight, fueled by my insecurity that she might outgrow me if she continued to evolve) slowly gave way to curiosity.

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