15 Quotes by De philosopher DJ Kyos about jesus

  • Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
  • Quote

    There is nothing wrong about Christianity or religion, but there is something wrong with most of the people who lead or follow Christianity. Some manipulate others into thinking, if they don’t do what they say. Then they are not Christian enough or believers. Bible said you must test the spirit. Not all church leaders or followers represent Christ. Some represent themselves. They are not doing it for God, but are doing it for themselves. Jer 14:141 John 4:11 Thes 5:21

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  • Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
  • Quote

    People who want to control, manipulate , blackmail, extort you , use your fear. The fear of being lonely, fear of being fired, fear of being exposed or caught. The fear of being unemployed or retrenched. The fear of being poor. Our government, politicians, media, love partners, friends ,even some pastors or churches use your fear to control you.The Lord today says Fear Not I am with you .Isaiah 41:10Joshua 1:9

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