154 Quotes by De philosopher DJ Kyos about Love

  • Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
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    Be supportive to you partner. Be there for them.Listen to them and show you care. Humans fall in love with someone who listens and care, over someone who is beautiful and rich and that's how you lose your lover to others. It is because those people show interest ,they listen and care what you partner is saying or what she or he is going through. Beauty and money will get you relationship , but not love. Listening, caring and being there will get you Love.

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  • Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
  • Quote

    To lovers out there...A person who has more money in a relationshipfeels like they have power to control the relationshipand the person they are with in a relationship.That is why now everyone is working hard to have money, so that they can have power. With their power they dont love the other person the best way they can ,but they abuse the person they are with the best way they can. They don’t want to love the other person. They want to control the other person.

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