14 Quotes by Jen Sincero about Life-lessons

  • Author Jen Sincero
  • Quote

    The more time you spend in the moment, the richer your life will be. Being present gets you out of your head and connects you to Source Energy, which raises your frequency, which attracts things of like frequency to you. And all of those high frequency things and experiences are already here, just waiting for you to join the party—all you have to do is shut up, show up, and usher them in.

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  • Author Jen Sincero
  • Quote

    If you finally decide to quit your soul-crushing job and start the pastry shop of your dreams, be not upset if a truck drives through your front window into your scones. Instead of taking this as a sign that you shouldn’t have opened your shop, take it to mean that you’re ridding yourself of your BS and moving in the right direction.

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