33 Quotes by Neale Donald Walsch about Thinking

  • Author Neale Donald Walsch
  • Quote

    I think the biggest single improvement, or change, that a person could make in one's life would be to come to a deeper understanding, a more expanded awareness of who they are, of who God is, of what God wants, of what life is really about, of the purpose of life.

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  • Author Neale Donald Walsch
  • Quote

    I think love is the most misunderstood emotion in the universe. I don't think half the people know what real love is. And I don't think half the people on this planet have ever experienced it. If people experienced for one moment what real love is, we could never live the way we live with each other. We couldn't do to each other what we're doing. We couldn't ignore what we're ignoring. We couldn't allow it to be the way it is.

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  • Author Neale Donald Walsch
  • Quote

    You are valued more than you know, by more people than you think. It might be good to get in touch today with your true worth. It is much higher than you often give it credit for being -- and now is a perfect time to know, and to gently assert, that fact. This is not about arrogance and it is not about over confidence. It is about a simple, dignified Knowing.

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  • Author Neale Donald Walsch
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    Do you want your life to truly take off? Then change your idea about it. About you. Think, speak and act as the God You Are.

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  • Author Neale Donald Walsch
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    For me, there is only one question to ask when I am thinking, saying, or doing anything: "What does this have to do with the agenda of my soul?"

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  • Author Neale Donald Walsch
  • Quote

    The Ultimate Reality is that everything you think you need, you already have. It exists inside of you. Indeed, it is you. You are what you need - and therefore, you give yourself everything you need in any given moment.

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  • Author Neale Donald Walsch
  • Quote

    By mastering both aspects of our being we remember not only how to think, but what to think. What I'm clear about now is that the mind is a tool, a mechanism, and the soul provides the fuel for that machine. The less fuel you use, the more inefficiently the engine will operate. On the other hand, if your soul fills your mind with spiritual energy, you will be Mind-Full - and the workings of this engine can produce miracles.

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  • Author Neale Donald Walsch
  • Quote

    When you give your children knowledge, you are telling them what to think. When you give your children wisdom, you do not tell them what to know, or what is true, but rather, how to get to their own truth.

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  • Author Neale Donald Walsch
  • Quote

    The purpose of relationship may not be what you think. If you are excited about forming a relationship based on what it looks like you can get, rather than what you can give, you have started off on the wrong foot entirely, and you could be heading for a big disappointment. The purpose of all relationships is to create a sacred context within which you can express the fullness of who you are. And who you are is an experience you have before you enter relationship, not because you did.

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