4 Quotes by Osho about misery

  • Author Osho
  • Quote

    It is just as if you were expecting one million dollars and suddenly you come across a ten dollar note. You fall flat. But if you were not expecting anything and suddenly by the side of the road there is a ten dollar note, you are so happy. It is the same ten dollar note, but if the expectation was of one million dollars, it is nothing. Who bothers about ten dollar notes? If the expectation was none, then even a ten dollar note is almost like ten million dollars.

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  • Author Osho
  • Quote

    Understand this first and foremost that you are the center of your existence; nobody else is responsible. No matter how burdensome it feels, but you alone are responsible. If you accept this truth all sorrow will soon disappear. Because once it is clear that I am making this game, how long will it take you to destroy it?

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  • Author Osho
  • Quote

    Don’t play old tapes. Just cut the very root, just drop the whole idea of old patterns and old habits and start living in a new way. And it is only a question of decision. Once you decide, things start changing, because everything depends on your decision. That is the meaning of the word decision: it means ’it cuts’, decision. It cuts your past, it creates a discontinuity.

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  • Author Osho
  • Quote

    Always look from an angle from which you can find more happiness in it and more joy. Ordinarily our mind always finds faults – hence it makes us miserable. Misery is an attitude.But always find the thing that will make you more happy; and it is available everywhere! If a man has decided to be happy, then in no situation can he be made unhappy. And if a man has a wrong attitude then in no situation will he ever be happy. Happiness is an attitude, so is unhappiness.

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