16 Quotes by Samantha Young about Love

  • Author Samantha Young
  • Quote

    Beschwipst, betrunken ... ein Gentleman würde die Situation jedenfalls nicht ausnutzen.""Du hast Glück." Er strich mit den Fingerknöcheln über meinen Bauch, und sein Blick folgte seinen Finger, wie sie am Bündchen meiner Unterwäsche entlangfuhren. Sein Gesicht verschleierte sich vor Lust. "Wir wissen ja beide, dass ich kein Gentleman bin.

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  • Author Samantha Young
  • Quote

    You're not untrustworthy, you're not cold and you're not a bitch. You have... issues. I get that. We all have issues. But once I realized you were lying to me, I began to understand why. You think you never gave yourself away with me. You think you have time to backpedal and pretend nothing happened between us, because that way if anything ever happens to me, you can tell yourself you don't care, and you don't feel the pain.

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