76 Quotes by Shunya about Peace

  • Author Shunya
  • Quote

    Suppose there is a very hungry and weak dog. And then there is a healthy dog. If you go to feed them, which one is more likely to bite you? The hungry and weak one. Those who bark and bite you are actually in dire need of help. Don't curse them further. They are already cursed.

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  • Author Shunya
  • Quote

    Imagine a machine that vibrates when it is on. If you have to sit on it to operate it, you will vibrate too. You will get tired way before the machine. Your body and mind are machines too. Ask any runner. They don’t run along with their body. They find a stillness inside them. They ride on that stillness while the body runs. That’s how they can run the body to its maximum capacity. Same goes for mind. You must find the stillness inside you to use body-mind to their maximum capacity.

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