7 Quotes by Theodore Roosevelt about success

  • Author Theodore Roosevelt
  • Quote

    There are many kinds of success in life worth having. It is exceedingly interestingand attractive to be a successful businessman, or railway man, or farmer, ora successful lawyer or doctor; or a writer, or a President, or a ranchman, or thecolonel of a fighting regiment, or to kill grizzly bears and lions. But for unflagginginterest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonably well,certainly makes all other forms of success and achievement lose their importanceby comparison.

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  • Author Theodore Roosevelt
  • Quote

    The person who succeeds is not the one who holds back, fearing failure, nor the one who never fails... but rather the one who moves on im spite of failure. Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory or defeat. Author: Teddy Roosevelt

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