307 Quotes About Exploration

  • Author Isaac Asimov
  • Quote

    Congratulations on the new library, because it isn't just a library. It is a space ship that will take you to the farthest reaches of the Universe, a time machine that will take you to the far past and the far future, a teacher that knows more than any human being, a friend that will amuse you and console you -- and most of all, a gateway, to a better and happier and more useful life.[Letters of Note; Troy (MI, USA) Public Library, 1971]

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  • Author Heidi Barr
  • Quote

    It’s that feeling of being essential, of deep belonging and of community without borders that shines a light into places that might have otherwise remained unexplored. It’s the feeling of peace that can stay present despite the “emptiness” that can be left behind after a fire goes through.

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