282 Quotes About Seeking

  • Author Shunya
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    Wearing perfume can't be a substitute for bath. For a seeker, reading famous spiritual books, visiting some holy Gurus and places, doing some chanting and rituals is like wearing perfume. If you wish to take bath, throw yourself to the universe. It will make you do things that are not even remotely spiritual or religious. But they will bathe you clean.

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  • Author Shunya
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    In the infinite dark cosmos, a tiny ball called Earth is floating. Its surface is occupied by even tinier creatures called 'human beings', who wear fancy clothes and speak big words. Seekers start their journey filled with this wonder but soon their wonder gets replaced with theories and stories, scriptures and Gurus. They settle at some ideology or sect and life goes on.

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  • Author Shunya
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    When you see an old man, you would automatically trust and respect him. He might have been a thug in his days... he might still be a crook, But your mind can’t even imagine that!A seeker must keep this factor in mind while referencing old books.

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