200 Quotes by A.S. King

  • Author A.S. King
  • Quote

    Never forget it. But stop living there. Live here, in the present. Think forward to your future.

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  • Author A.S. King
  • Quote

    I felt a mix of wanting to kill him and wanting to kiss him at the same time. When I thought of what true love must be like, I figured it must be like this, and not the stupid eighth grade infatuation most girls my age felt. True love includes an equal part of good and bad, but true sticks around and doesn’t run off to Vegas with a podiatrist.

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  • Author A.S. King
  • Quote

    No patience. No kisses. No hugs. Just a tweezers and some rubbing alcohol, and a stinging sensation that never goes away.

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  • Author A.S. King
  • Quote

    In nature, crying is okay. Waterfalls cry all the time.

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  • Author A.S. King
  • Quote

    We’re alive. We have words and shapes and ideas. We will throw them at you when you do not believe. We will throw our love and our hate and our failure and success. We’ll split in two right in front of you and be our best and our worst. We’ll lie and tell the truth.

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  • Author A.S. King
  • Quote

    I’m sixteen years old and this is the main idea the adults in my life have given me. Whether it’s seaweed in Mexico, missing art projects, or Dad shrugging, the message is clear: The older people get, the less they can do about things.

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  • Author A.S. King
  • Quote

    I find myself thinking that it would be nice to be able to fix my life the way I’m fixing the patio. I wonder, is there enough terracotta-colored cement to fill the hole where my father should be? Or where my mother’s spine should be? Or where my guts should be?

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  • Author A.S. King
  • Quote

    My eyelids get heavy, and i feel an instant urge to make today disappear by falling asleep until it’s tomorrow. But i can’t move.

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  • Author A.S. King
  • Quote

    I wish for world peace, because it’s about as likely to occur anything else I can wish for.

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