200 Quotes by A.S. King

  • Author A.S. King
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    I look back at Danny and I think about what Ginny said to me: Friends act like friends. My stomach tightens.

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  • Author A.S. King
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    I didn't have the time to slice a hundred shallow cuts into his lips and make him suck limes. I was too busy to make him swallow oiled musket balls. I had more important things to think about now and a lot to do. -Saffron in Dust of 100 Dogs

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  • Author A.S. King
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    They don't know what love is. Here they learn what hate is, and I am so sad that they might never know love because hate came first.

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  • Author A.S. King
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    We all had our collective heads in the oven.

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  • Author A.S. King
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    This is where the runaway train started down the track. I was inside the dining car enjoying a plate of cookies or something. I didn't feel it then. But the train had been boarded on Saturday night when we drank the bat. And this was the beginning of its journey. Right here.

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  • Author A.S. King
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    As I fall asleep, I think about Ginny and the look she gave me at church, and it makes me feel that familiar sinking in my gut-the way I've felt every time I've seen Nader McMillan in the hall since I was seven. He didn't even need to say anything to me. Just his existence would make me fell powerless and stupid. The difference, I guess, is that he gained his power by humiliating me. Thurns out when someone you actually give a shit about turns on you, it's even more powerful.

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  • Author A.S. King
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    She called it baggage. "You're scared to open your suitcases and see what your mother packed.

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  • Author A.S. King
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    Then I walk away because she’s irresistible, and I am on a mission to resist her.

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  • Author A.S. King
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    Dad is probably ignoring whatever muted movie is on Channel 17 while skimming the day's paper. He never turns the sound on when he doesn't have to. I asked him once why he doesn't just turn the TV off."Something about it makes me feel like I'm not alone," he said.I bet there are millions of people who'd agree with him, too. Not me. I'd rather feel something for real than pretend it's not what it is. (Which Zen guy said, "If you want to drown, do not torture yourself with shallow water"?)

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