32 Quotes by AVA.
- Author AVA.
i took a night drive.i needed to get away.i needed to knowit's okay to goand have no destination,where time moves slowor doesn't exist.that life can be like this,aimless wandering,just breathing,living,driving forever underneath the stars.
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- Author AVA.
i took it off.i did not want to carry it with me anymore.
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- Author AVA.
you wanted it all to make senseand you wanted the most complicated answer,but the answer is simple.just be.
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- Author AVA.
i know it all ends the same,but i was interested in seeinghow you would break my heart.
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- Author AVA.
i can't hold onto love.i'm not gentle enough.i always end upcrushing the thingin between my fingertips.
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