184 Quotes by AVIS Viswanathan

  • Author AVIS Viswanathan
  • Quote

    Whatever it is, take it as it comes. This is surely never easy. But when you understand that you can’t win fighting Life, you will realize that this is the only option. So, going with the flow is not quite a spiritual or romantic, feel-good, concept as it is made out to be. It is an intelligent choice, driven by plain common sense, of doing what you possibly can in a given situation. When you awaken to this truth, you will be happy despite your circumstances.

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  • Author AVIS Viswanathan
  • Quote

    When someone chooses not to understand you, despite your best efforts, you may want to examine whether they are not getting what you are saying or if they simply don’t want to understand you. If it is the latter, Life is so much simpler for both of you – there is no need to invest any more time and energy in striving for that understanding. The brutal truth that you often fail to confront is the fact that someone who is keen not to understand you, perhaps never will, no matter how hard you try!

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