35 Quotes by Abdullah Abu Snaineh

  • Author Abdullah Abu Snaineh
  • Quote

    إهداء إلى مارك زوكربيرغ الذي كان سببًا رئيسًا في تناسي الناس حياتهم الاجتماعية فلم أعد أقضي معهم وقتًا طويلًا وهذا أدى إلى إيجادي متسعًا من الوقت لكتابة هذا الكتاب

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  • Author Abdullah Abu Snaineh
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    I love sports. The spirit and the fight you put to win a game. It is just like life except that life is not a game. There is no “retry” option in real life and you don’t get to get a bonus life.

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  • Author Abdullah Abu Snaineh
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    We are accustomed to losing things we love and people we adore but that doesn’t change the fact that loss hurts.

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  • Author Abdullah Abu Snaineh
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    He once thought that Manchester United were a band because I’ve mentioned that they had Giggs.

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  • Author Abdullah Abu Snaineh
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    The older members of my family always demonstrate education as a cure to a disease but I think education is not a cure. It’s immunity.

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  • Author Abdullah Abu Snaineh
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    Disappointments are worse when they are caused by the people who should be your role models.

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  • Author Abdullah Abu Snaineh
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    In prison, you learn to count each day and each moment. You even count the bad ‘meals’ and the unbearable ones.

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