4,815 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar
- Author Abhijit Naskar
It's better to live for five days as an unconditioned, liberated human being, than to live for a thousand years as a dead, conditioned, second-hand human body.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
All that the world needs, is one, single, individual human, conscientious enough to take things seriously, not in a sad and desperate manner, rather in an involved, invincible and responsible manner. Why aren't you serious? Be serious - be serious or keep wailing and keep blaming, for what the world has become. You don't have the right to blame, if you don't do your part to lift the world up, from its grave of misery.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Your actions are not simply the actions of a human - but the actions of a civilization – the actions of a species, in the path of collective human progress.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Human efforts driven by ideas of glory, greatness and conscience, shall change the world, not wishes and metaphysical delusions of vibrations and light waves.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Outfits don't define your character, your behavior does. Great achievements are born, not from fancy suits, but from great minds. And great minds do not need suits to feel and look important. Only the shallow look at outfits, but the wise knows to look beyond. Look at the person beyond the outfit.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Education is an everlasting quest for knowledge and wisdom.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
La educación les permite a los humanos alcanzar su potencial mental y físico tanto en la vida personal como en la vida social.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Fear of the Lord, Santa Claus, Krishna, Thor, Hulk or any other imaginary being brings merely the illusion of wisdom, not wisdom. And illusion of wisdom is a billion times more harmful than lack of wisdom.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Education means breaking free.
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