4,815 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar
- Author Abhijit Naskar
Say, there is a book written by Tolstoy sitting right there on the table. To our unique human consciousness, the reality of the papers in the book, is infinitely different from the valuable literature that they possess. For the kind of consciousness possessed by the bug which eats those papers, literature is non-existent, yet for the Human Consciousness, literature has a greater value of truth than the papers themselves.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Every living creature on this planet, has a conscious subjective perspective of the world. The plants may seem to us as standing indifferent to the human sufferings, but even they have their own unique mental universe. They have their own way of interacting with the environment.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Neglect is a form of implicit abuse.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Real teachers like Jesus, Buddha, Nanak, Rumi have much more to teach humanity, than the imaginary figure Krishna, concocted by an ancient Indian man named Vyasa.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
The only way to lead a people is to serve the people.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Serve to lead, not, lead to serve.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
The world will follow any individual who'd rise against all odds and say out loud "my life is your crutch".
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
I am not gonna tell you how great I am, my life is the definition of greatness that I leave for you.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
You are not even seeing most of what's going on in the universe. On top of that, your brain filters out much of what it receives from the environment. So that what you are consciously aware of is only a fractional representation of your universe.
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