218 Quotes by Adam McKay

  • Author Adam McKay
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    There’s nothing the people love more than a Federal Reserve joke.

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  • Author Adam McKay
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    Old man with an old phone. That’s never not funny.

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  • Author Adam McKay
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    As for movies, what’s great about comedy is that if your movie gets laughs and makes money, you have freedom.

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  • Author Adam McKay
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    Celebrities and ‘famous’ people are just regular folks. I know, it’s a shocking and potentially dangerous statement.

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  • Author Adam McKay
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    The one thing for sure is, I don’t ever want to waste a movie. I don’t ever want to waste effort.

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  • Author Adam McKay
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    I gotta say – if I clicked on a movie interview, and the first part was all about Walt Whitman, I’d love that article.

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  • Author Adam McKay
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    I’m just a giant film fan, so I love action movies out of all kinds of movies. As a film geek, it’s amazing to be able to shoot this stuff.

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  • Author Adam McKay
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    Everyone is sort of in their own little area counting lines and no one talks when film’s not rolling. There’s constantly actors coming to me back behind the monitor screaming at me, “Why did my line count drop?” It’s a nasty tense environment.

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  • Author Adam McKay
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    I don’t want to speak for my movies; you could say my movies are just completely silly and dumb, but in the case of ‘Idiocracy’ and ‘Borat,’ without a doubt there is a really subversive and sophisticated assault on American culture.

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