97 Quotes by Adam Weishaupt
"The Devil’s greatest trick isn’t getting you to think he doesn’t exist. Quite the reverse. It’s getting you to think he’s God and that you must obey him without question. Devil worshippers aren’t a rare exception in our world – they’re the norm."
"If we want to see God, we may have to see the Devil first. Hell precedes Heaven. There are no easy paths, no straight roads to Paradise. We have to wander along crooked tracks in dark woods and fall into bottomless abysses. Yet, in the end, our struggle makes us fit for Paradise."
"The simulated perfection that surrounds us is mediated by screens. On every screen we look at it, perfection stares out at us. Screens are everywhere. We are always staring at screens. Cinema screens, TV screens, iPhone screens, computer screens… Screens are omnipresent in our lives. And they are the delivery mechanisms of perfect images of perfect lives. Celebrities, the nobility and the super rich are those with the perfect lives we so envy. They rule the screens."
"We are ascending to the top. We are not in freefall in the bottomless abyss of consumerism and celebrity culture. We are the people of the summits, of the highest heights. We are those who seek to see further than ever before. We look to the stars and beyond. And we look inside. Because there we will find God."
"Your attention please. This is not a rehearsal. This is not a drill. This is your life. Make the most of it. Become a hero. Bring the ultimate cosmic journey – your journey – to its appointed end. Become God."
"Social networking, while it certainly has some potentially valuable uses is, sadly, much more likely to be viewed as one of the most sinister developments in world history, making the controllers of the social networks the richest and most powerful people in the world… and making billions of people fritter their lives away with keeping their “status” up to date. Never forget, if you’re on Facebook too much, your status is always LOSER!"
"Isn’t it time the world grew up and left the childish past behind? Isn’t time we moved beyond torture Gods and nightmares of infinite punishment in hell? Isn’t it time we started living up to our divine potential and becoming all we can be? There are no limits whatever to how far we can go if we are bold and brave enough."
"Capitalism is not evil per se. It is the particular implementation that is evil – the one designed to cater for a small super rich elite who call all of the shots and create global empires outwith the control of the State and the people. This model of capitalism is not a servant of the people, but a Dictatorship of Mammon. The world can be free only when the controllers are removed from power. Only one policy guarantees the end of the super rich – 100% inheritance tax."
"WHAT IS SOCIAL NETWORKING? – it’s a way for submissives to tweet, nudge and post their way to oblivion. While dominants get on with using their time to create things and dominate the world, the submissives fritter their time away in the most futile stream of trivial consciousness ever known. The intergalactic static that provides the microwave echo of the Big Bang has come to life in the shape of Facebook and Twitter. Now we can hear the vacuum speak."