97 Quotes by Adam Weishaupt
"Why is that we, the Illuminati, are the only people on earth willing to expose the criminality that lies at the heart of Abrahamism? Why is this subject glossed over? What’s the point of having laws against murder and human sacrifice if religions sanction these things?"
"Our goal is simple. Rather than wait for enlightenment to come to us, we are seeking enlightenment. We are not waiting to stumble upon God, we are seeking to actively grow towards the objective of becoming Gods ourselves so that we may join him: Spiritual übermenschen living on Mt. Olympus."
"In the world of the OWO, people are locked in isolated little boxes called houses, watching junk on TV, eating junk, reading junk, vegetating. They are passive, submissive, weak, lazy, tired, unambitious. They haunt shopping malls like fading wraiths. Gods can never come into being in shopping malls. Gods need ambrosia and nectar, the food and drink of the deities. They need to breathe aether – the most rarefied, divine air. They need spiritual sustenance, not full shopping baskets."
"Nothing is more important than who controls the signs. To change the world, it is necessary to change the signs that are used to condition people."
"MOST PEOPLE IN the West spend their time waiting for Godot, but of course he never comes. They also wait for the Messiah, but we know he always arrives a day too late. What is everyone waiting for? Divine intervention? The Deus ex machina that solves every problem? Don’t you get it? – no one’s ever coming. Ever. The world-historic figures, the men and women of destiny, aren’t waiting. They’re out doing things, being active, making things happen."
"Are you ready to become God? You never will be if you are on your knees to someone else."
"The Illuminati are advocates of HyperHumanity – a new, extraordinary version of the human race. Illumination is a religion for the true elite of the world: those who are conscious, those who operate according to Logos and Sophia. We are the sons and daughters of Apollo and Athena. The future belongs to us."
"We will appeal to the highest aspirations of people, not their basest instincts. We seek to make all people into Gods, no matter how retarded, deluded and dumb they may be at the moment. We will transform their consciousness. When we are finished, it won’t be Hegel and Nietzsche who are unknown amongst the masses, but the vacuous celebrities."
"The human race will not fulfill its potential until we sweep aside bicameralism. It’s time for humanity to become truly conscious. And then we will realise the profoundest truth of all – that we need no Gods because we ourselves can become God."
"A word to the unwise – you cannot use a system that denies Truth to say anything at all about the Truth. Any belief system that rejects Truth has no relevance whatsoever to Truth, and you cannot use such as system to validly address any Truth at all."