138 Quotes by Aesop Rock

  • Author Aesop Rock
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    I've learned I don't like being around people too much. It's hard to stand around and make conversation with people I've learned. But I do want to be the guy that can do it easily.

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  • Author Aesop Rock
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    In a time where everything's a flavor of the month, and it's hard to have any sort of longevity, I've been able to sell records still. I want to be the guy that stands out there and says thank you personally to everyone. And I try after my shows and kick it because I want to genuinely say thanks.

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  • Author Aesop Rock
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    You can't get someone to like something they aren't feeling. After you press play, there isn't anything you can do.

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  • Author Aesop Rock
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    If I had interesting things to say, I would have been a speechwriter. I think it gets to musicians' heads a lot of the time. Just because people like your records doesn't mean what you have to say is going to be interesting.

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