38 Quotes by Aisha Mirza
"Negativity only breeds more negativity. I wish to not allow it to enter my heart and not for it to take harbour. It may make itself a home and never leave."
"Sometimes the best journeys are those, that start when we do not plan, continue how we do not expect and are taking us places we do not know."
"I have learnt that we expect honesty and genuineness from others, while not being honest and genuine with our own self."
"A story is inside of us all. Each word and sentence is alive and we grace the pages to keep it from dying."
"Sometimes we will love people not for who they are, nor for what we gain from them but what they are. Those people that reflect a light. Those that make it easy to love, make us willing to give, and make us wanting to be in their presence."
"Be careful of what we say or do on this earth as every word and every action has a return."
"If we have touched another's life with our action and through our words then we have lived."
"We all have the greatest potential. Life is about finding it, embracing it and then learning to be with it in the world without fear of prejudice or judgment."