595 Quotes by Alan Moore

"You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it."


"Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago."


"...She wasn't anyone special. She wasn't that brave, that clever or that strong. She was just somebody that felt cramped by the confines of her life. She was just somebody who had to get out. And she did it! She went out past Vega, out past Moulquet and Lambard! She saw places that aren't even there anymore! And do you know what she said? Her most famous quotation? "Anybody could have done it"


"I am not man so much as syndrome; as a voice that bellows in the human heart.I am rain.I cannot be contained"


"That pompous phrase (graphic novel) was thought up by some idiot in the marketing department of DC. I prefer to call them Big Expensive Comics."


"The past can't hurt you anymore, not unless you let it."


"Artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie. But because you believed it, you found something true about yourself."


"I did it thirty-five minutes ago."


"The things that are most popular are usually rubbish, stand up for what’s important, not popular."


"You see, Evey, all the world's a stage. And everything else...... is vaudeville."
