243 Quotes by Alec Baldwin

"I just love Rome. It really does cast a spell on you."


"Actors are treated like suppositories that are inserted into cavities of the movie-going public."


"For her to pin all that on me is unfair. You'd think she was on the payroll of my ex-wife's divorce lawyer, pushing every button you could find."


"Remember, sex is like a Chinese dinner. It ain't over 'til you both get your cookie."


"Doing these parts is not fun, ... It's challenging, but no fun. It's creepy. I would rather play the guy that throws the touchdown pass and gets carried off the field."


"My life, in some ways, has been a half-measure. I didn't commit myself all the way to my marriage and family, because I would have given up more. And I didn't go all the way with just being completely selfish. I always wonder where my career would be if I was more selfish."


"Everybody I've ever worked with - 99.9 percent of the time, I've had a successful or very agreeable experience with."


"A lot of people want to not wear a tie when they go to a restaurant. They feel they don't have to wear a tie. I think it's kind of a statement they're making. I don't know what that statement is. I haven't quite figured that out yet."


"I'm very patriotic. I'm an arch-patriot. When they play 'The Star Spangled Banner,' I get all choked up. I love my country."


"To be in this business and have tremendous integrity and only make distinguished choices is very tough."
