243 Quotes by Alec Baldwin
"I think I do want to go into politics. I really, really do. And I don't know if I will."
"Doing these parts is not fun. It's challenging, but no fun. It's creepy. I would rather play the guy that throws the touchdown pass and gets carried off the field."
"In the film business, when you're young, you just want to work. But when you're older, it has more to do with who's involved with the project - who you're going to get in the boat with."
"Often in films, you have no idea where you're going to be six months from now. And I grew very weary of that. And television, although it wasn't necessarily as creatively diverse as filmmaking can be, it was the lifestyle choice that I needed to make."
"Ultraconservatism is, to me, so illogical. Everywhere you go, conservatives want to cut, cut, cut, cut - cut money for powerless people. So, that's the biggest problem I have with them."
"Bush wasn't elected, he was selected - selected by five judges up in Washington who voted along party lines."
"I don't think I really have a talent for movie acting. I'm not bad at it, but I don't think I really have a talent for it."
"I feel I'm two people: I have my interest in acting and I have a lot of other political interests I'd like to pursue."