99 Quotes by Alex Garland

  • Author Alex Garland
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    Jed! I got stuck in some air pocket with more exits than... ” I couldn’t think of anything famous with a large number of exits “I nearly drowned!

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  • Author Alex Garland
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    I don't write on set. I also - in a funny way, I don't really differentiate between the writing and directing. I think it's all sort of the same thing.

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  • Author Alex Garland
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    If someone says Wes Anderson is an auteur, I'll believe it 100 percent. Fine. He's an auteur, but I'm not.

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  • Author Alex Garland
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    My approach to directing is to not do very much directing. I'm mainly interested in what the creative group individually and together are thinking.

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  • Author Alex Garland
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    I think that screenwriting probably isn't seen as writing in the same way that novel-writing is seen as writing. But I certainly don't see it that way.

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  • Author Alex Garland
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    I'm always pushing back against the last thing I did in some way, and some of that is restlessness and a sense of limited time.

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  • Author Alex Garland
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    The truth is, I hadn't grown up really wanting to be a writer. The whole thing was a weird aberration in some ways, and I didn't feel personally connected to the level of success I had with it - the success of sorts, I guess.

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  • Author Alex Garland
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    A lot of people, I think, harbor some kind of ambition to write a novel - they say, 'One day I'm going to write a novel,' and they maybe find the first three pages quite easy, and then they hit a kind of brick wall, and they think that that brick wall means that they're not a writer.

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