82 Quotes by Alex Gibney

  • Author Alex Gibney
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    Dialogue between people of differing views is critical for fostering understanding in a democracy.

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  • Author Alex Gibney
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    Critics can say what they like about the films, but very often, there's a certain expectation of documentaries that they're supposed to be like PowerPoint presentations. I see documentaries as movies. So when I see some critics writing that we could have done without the recreations altogether - well, perhaps.

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  • Author Alex Gibney
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    In the case of 'Zero Dark Thirty,' about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, an issue that is central to the film - torture - is so important that I feel I must say something. Mark Boal and Kathryn Bigelow have been irresponsible and inaccurate in the way they have treated this issue in their film.

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  • Author Alex Gibney
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    I thought it was a classic David and Goliath story, and I was fully onboard Team WikiLeaks. I was very pro the leaks, barring the redaction issue. But I see WikiLeaks as a publisher.

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  • Author Alex Gibney
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    It would be hard to go to your neighbor and say the things people say on the Internet without getting punched out or having your tires slashed.

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  • Author Alex Gibney
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    People who lie, particularly those who lie really big, can't do it effectively unless they feel that there's a righteous power behind what they're doing. You're entitled to lie because the end justifies the means.

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  • Author Alex Gibney
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    Documentaries can embrace contradictions in a way that journalism can't.

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  • Author Alex Gibney
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    Even with a villain, you don't want him just to be some pockmarked punchbag.

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  • Author Alex Gibney
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    The job of a journalist is to find out stuff. The job of the government - sometimes - is to keep stuff secret. There's a natural tension there.

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