164 Quotes by Alexa Chung
"English suspenders not American. Could you imagine? Just a pair of knickers and some suspenders. I don't know. How would you wear that? I think this is kind of a cute first date look. A mini sixties Ossie Clark inspired mini dress with a pair on your trotters."
"The chihuahua and the pink velour track suit. I think it's kind of an iconic look."
"I was at school when Britney Spears' 'Baby One More Time' came out. I changed my uniform to look like hers. I just looked slutty after that, so thank you, Britney."
"Nobody goes through life without having their heart broken and one day you'll wake up and it'll be okay."
"I would say probably Paris [Hilton]. Because to me that's her in character and she kind was always sort of winking at the camera. There was satire I think involved in what she was doing. I like to think there was."
"I think as I get older that's an area that I'd like to explore more. Going from being in front of the lens to behind it."
"I think the challenges that come with the responsibility of art directing something is something that appeals to me."
"I think modeling is interesting, it's obviously nice to take on a character and go through the process. I'm very lucky that I've been able to do that but I think the challenges that come with the responsibility of art directing something is something that appeals to me. I've done it before in collaboration with other people but it's the first time someone's literally handed it over and been like, "What do you want?" It was really fun to kind of dream up a concept and then execute it with all my friends."
"I hate online bullying. Those little comment boxes can brim with the most vicious, acidic, and pointless remarks."