100 Quotes by Alexander Skarsgard

  • Author Alexander Skarsgard
  • Quote

    If you're a great documentary filmmaker, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're a great narrative filmmaker. There are fantastic documentary filmmakers that can't direct actors. You don't have to do that in a documentary, if it's a real documentary.

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  • Author Alexander Skarsgard
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    What intrigues me is that people kind of naturally want to label or pigeonhole the characters. They want to make it easy for themselves to go, "All right. There's the good guy, there's the bad guy, there's the girl. Okay, I get it now." But life isn't one-dimensional. The world isn't simply divided into good versus evil. I think we're all capable of both. So any time the hero does something I'm not crazy about, or the bad guy does something I can relate to, I'll find it more interesting.

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  • Author Alexander Skarsgard
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    When I'm on a plane, people know where I'm going before I even know where I'm going. People know where you had lunch yesterday, or who you had lunch with. So, trying to avoid sharing everything with everyone is my way of keeping something private in my life.

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  • Author Alexander Skarsgard
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    Whether I'm interested [in something] or not, step one is read the script and figure out if a character is someone I'd want to explore or not.

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  • Author Alexander Skarsgard
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    It was such an amazing experience to be able to spend nine days on a boat with these Greenpeace people. Some of them were scientists and some were crew members working on the ship. Just to hear their stories, like what drew them to Greenpeace in the first place and what they've been through. Every single second of the day they work to save the planet, which makes me as an actor feel quite insignificant.

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  • Author Alexander Skarsgard
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    Life is crazy. You travel and you're busy and there's so much going on that it's important to have the moments where you can breathe and you can just be present with the person or the people that you're there with.

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  • Author Alexander Skarsgard
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    For me, creatively, I'd suffocate if I played the same thing, over and over again. I want challenges. I want to sit down with a director and be like, "I've never done this before, but it's going to be exciting. It's scary, but really thrilling, so let's do it!"

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  • Author Alexander Skarsgard
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    I'm an actor and I love to find new collaborations and new characters where I can grow as an actor and human being.

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