75 Quotes by Alexis Carrel
- Author Alexis Carrel
Those who don't learn to fight worry, die young.
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- Author Alexis Carrel
Man offers himself to God. He stands before Him like the canvas before the painter or the marble before the sculptor. At the same time he asks for His grace, expresses his needs and those of his brothers in suffering. Such a type of prayer demands complete renovation. The modest, the ignorant, and the poor are more capable of this self-denial than the rich and the intellectual.
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- Author Alexis Carrel
Jesus knows our world. He does not disdain us like the God of Aristotle. We can speak to Him and He answers us. Although He is a person like ourselves, He is God and transcends all things.
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- Author Alexis Carrel
The search for God is indeed, an entirely personal undertaking.... the most audacious adventure that one can dare.
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- Author Alexis Carrel
Discipline brings us effort, sacrifice and suffering. Later it brings us something of an inestimable value: something of which those who live only for pleasure, profit or amusement will always be deprived. This peculiar indefinable joy which one must have felt oneself to understand is the sign with which life marks its moment of triumph.
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- Author Alexis Carrel
In joy or sorrow, health or sickness, prosperity or the reverse, the effort must still continue. One must rise after every fall and gradually acquire courage, faith, the will to succeed and the capacity to love.
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- Author Alexis Carrel
The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at regular intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition, and as far as we know, the pulsation of life can go on forever.
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- Author Alexis Carrel
Prayer is the most powerful form of energy one can generate....It supplies us with a flow of sustaining power in our daily lives.
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- Author Alexis Carrel
It is faith, and not reason, which impels men to action... Intelligence is content to point out the road, but never drives us along it.
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