292 Quotes by Ali Smith

  • Author Ali Smith
  • Quote

    There are things that can't be said, because it's hard to have to know them.

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  • Author Ali Smith
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    L’amore se ne infischia del soldo, l’amore è più caldo del caldo. Che sia vinta la guerra o sia persa, è l’amore che il mondo attraversa. L’amore non fa rima né ha ragioni, l’amore rende pazzo chi lo ha. L’amore sopravvive alle stagioni […]. L’amore vince i giochi, ogni contesa, che scoppi sulla terra o dentro al mare. Nessuna risorsa è meglio spesa, di quelle bruciate per amare.

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  • Author Ali Smith
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    What I know most is that the difference between us is what makes us interesting and attractive and problematic and exciting and vital to each other. Give me difference over indifference any day.

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  • Author Ali Smith
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    There is a kind of poetry, bad and good, in evrything, everywhere we look.

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  • Author Ali Smith
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    Even things which seem separate and finished are infinitely connected and will infinitely connect. This connection happens as soon as you let it, as soon as you engage - as soon as you even attempt to engage.

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  • Author Ali Smith
  • Quote

    All we need to do, reader or writer, from first line to final page, is be as open as a book, and be alive to the life in language - on all its levels.

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  • Author Ali Smith
  • Quote

    Words are like untying a corset - you can move into this great space with them.

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  • Author Ali Smith
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    All we are is eyes looking for the unbroken or the edges where the broken bits might fit each other.

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