292 Quotes by Ali Smith

  • Author Ali Smith
  • Quote

    And which comes first? her unbearable mother is saying. What we see or how we see it?

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  • Author Ali Smith
  • Quote

    But everything written has style. The list of ingredients on the side of a cornflakes box has style. And everything literary has literary style. And style is integral to a work. How something is told correlates with – more – makes what’s being told. A story is its style.

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  • Author Ali Smith
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    I have always believed in not compromising the form the drama takes by underestimating what its natural potential offers.

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  • Author Ali Smith
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    I don’t want a tombstone. You could carve on it ‘She never actually wanted a tombstone.’

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  • Author Ali Smith
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    Language is like poppies. It just takes something to churn the earth round them up, and when it does up come the sleeping words, bright red, fresh, blowing about.

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  • Author Ali Smith
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    Hope is exactly that, that’s all it is, a matter of how we deal with the negative acts towards human beings by other human beings in the world, remembering that they and we are all human, that nothing human is alien to us, the foul and the fair, and that most important of all we’re here for a mere blink of the eyes, that’s all.

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  • Author Ali Smith
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    But we didn’t fit, he and I. He thought it was because he was too old. He was older, and compared to the age I was I did think he was ancient. He was in his sixties then. Well, now I know that your sixties feel the same as all the other ages, and your seventies. You never stop being yourself on the inside, whatever age people think you are by looking at you from the outside.

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  • Author Ali Smith
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    Above the keyhole the door has a latch. It is pretending to be an authentic old latch. The door is pretending to be an authentic old door. Maybe everything there is isn’t authentic any more. Maybe everything there is is a kind of pretending.

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  • Author Ali Smith
  • Quote

    But I prefer the windy days, the days that strip me back, blasted, tossed, who knows where, imagine them, purple-red, silver-pink, natural confetti, thin, fragile, easily crushed and blackened, fading already wherever the air’s taken them across the city, the car parks, the streets, the ragged grass verges, dog-ear and adrift on the surfaces of the puddles, flat to the gutter stones, mixing with the litter, their shards of colour circling in the leafy-grimy corners of yards.

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