59 Quotes by Alison Goodman

  • Author Alison Goodman
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    He gave me a message for you.” She tightened her lips as if the words soured her mouth.“What is it?”“That you are in his blood.”I looked down at the deck to hide the answering surge within my own blood.“Those are the words of a lover, Eona.

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  • Author Alison Goodman
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    It is how it will be done in this case," Pike said. "There has never been a female Terrene, let alone a female Reclaimer and Terrene partnership trained to fight as well as reclaim. There is doubt that such a pairing could be effective.

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  • Author Alison Goodman
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    That seems highly unlikely, Lady Helen. Two weak elements do not make a strong whole. We would prefer that you have a male Terrene. I am sure you are most intelligent, but you are still a woman and therefore reliant upon emotion rather than logic, and subject to your sensibilities as are all your sex. You cannot be expected to have the same strength, strategic mind or logic competence as a man. A male Terrene would counter that deficit.

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  • Author Alison Goodman
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    "The She of the dragon will return and ascendWhen the cycle of twelve draws to an end...""The She of the Dragoneye will restore and defendWhen the Darkforce is mastered with Hua of All Men.

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  • Author Alison Goodman
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    -Vos tenéis el valor de un guerrero -masculló. Vi que se volvía y recogía ropas del suelo. ¿Él creía que yo era valiente? Pero estaba aterrado -siempre aterrado. -No -objeté-. No lo tengo. Él dejó de meter aquella túnica de valor incalculable entre dos fardos y me miró. -¿Tenéis miedo ahora? Asentí, y me ruboricé de verguenza. -¿Y el miedo va a impediros actuar? -No. -Ese es el valor del guerrero." Ryko y Eon

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  • Author Alison Goodman
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    I do not want to study alchemy, Lord Carlston," she hissed. "It is heretical nonsense. Nor do I want to fight. All you have shown me is a world of danger and threat, and yet you expect to step into it without even asking me if I wish to do so.".........."I am no warrior, sir, nor do I aspire to be. I have been taught to sew and sing and dance, and my duty is to marry, not fight demons. Look at me: I am an Earl's daughter, not a man versed in swords and fisticuffs.

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