107 Quotes by Amélie Nothomb

  • Author Amélie Nothomb
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    Hélas, on a l'âge de sa mémoire, n'est-ce pas? Et non de ses artères, comme disent les imbéciles.

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  • Author Amélie Nothomb
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    – Je ne pense pas avoir d'enfants.– Ah. Pourquoi? Ce n'est pas normal.Je m'en allai en fredonnant dans ma tête la chanson de Brassens : « Non, les brav's gens n'aiment pas que / L'on suive une autre route qu'eux. »

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  • Author Amélie Nothomb
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    If a writer manages to be fascinating about his own novels, then there are only two possibilities: either he is merely voicing out loud what he wrote in his book, and he is a parrot; or he is explaining interesting things that he didn't discuss in his book, in which case the book in question is a failure since it does not live up to its claims.

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  • Author Amélie Nothomb
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    The war began in 1972. That was the year I awoke to a profound truth: no one on this earth is indispensable, except the enemy. ¶ Without an enemy, human beings are poor things indeed. Their lives are ordeals, crushed between insignificance and boredom. ¶ The enemy is the Savior. His mere existence is enough to revitalize humanity. Thanks to the enemy, that unfortunate accident called life becomes epic.

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  • Author Amélie Nothomb
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    Para bailar, hay que merecerlo. Bailar sobre un escenario y delante de público constituye la mayor de las felicidades. A decir verdad, incluso sin público, incluso sin escenario, bailar es el colmo de la embriaguez. Una alegría tan profunda justifica los sacrificios más crueles. La educación que os damos aquí tiende a presentar la danza como lo que es: no un medio sino una recompensa.

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  • Author Amélie Nothomb
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    They went on to support their thesis by citing authors with esoteric names, whose works they themselves had not read, a fact which enabled them to speak about them penetratingly.

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