121 Quotes by Amber Tamblyn
"Feminism? The word itself means exactly the same thing to me as the word God does - it's a spirituality that is deeply personal, deeply subjective, and deeply no one else's business. You can identify the word however you want, it's just the non-exploration of it that is unacceptable to me."
"The poetry when I was a kid felt like something that I could control, and whether it failed or not, whether it was good or not, was totally on me and I could accept that. It was entirely mine."
"After I saw my first poem published, I became interested in the immortalization of words and the fact that you could put something out there that you felt and that meant something to you, and that it could be interpreted by many different people to mean many different things."
"To me, if there is a divine being, I don't understand why our country has had to go through everything that it's gone through in the last four years."
"Being a performer myself I can understand that, but I think that poetry, for me, might be less about the performance and more about the words."
"Tell me how you prove coercion? How you prove the difference between being hit on and hunted? How you prove your arms were held down? Your body was touched? Your life was threatened if you ever told anyone? For people who have suffered violent sexual crimes, proof – the very act of proving – is more than just a burden. It is boundless bearing. An eternity of futility."
"Aubrey obviously plays Karen’s, Sarah Michelle Gellar’s, younger sister. And, um, she’s sort of always been the underdog in the family and somebody who is not as ambitious or driven as her sister, as Karen’s character, so she’s sort of always felt like she’s had to follow in her sister’s footsteps."