309 Quotes by Anatole France

  • Author Anatole France
  • Quote

    All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

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  • Author Anatole France
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    Ignorance is the necessary condition, i do not say of happiness, but of life itself. If we knew everything, we could not endure existence a single hour. The sentiments that make it sweet to us, or at any rate tolerable, spring from a falsehood, and are fed on illusions.If, like God, a man possessed the truth, the sole and perfect truth, and once let it escape out of his hands, the world would be annihilated there and then, and the universe melt away instantly like a shadow.

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  • Author Anatole France
  • Quote

    I never go into the country for a change of air and a holiday. I always go instead into the eighteenth century.

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