309 Quotes by Anatole France
- Author Anatole France
The history books which contain no lies are extremely tedious
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- Author Anatole France
All changes, even the most longed for, must have their melancholy
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- Author Anatole France
Não concebo por que misturam, nesse caso, considerações políticas e paixões partidárias. Ele é superior a tudo isso, pois que é uma questão moral.
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- Author Anatole France
When a thing has been said and said well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it.
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- Author Anatole France
Great courage was required to engage in such an adventure. But George was in love and Freeheart was faithful. And as the most delightful of poets says“What cannot Friendship guided by sweet Love?
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- Author Anatole France
An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't.
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- Author Anatole France
Les vierges entonnaient le cantique de Zacharie:-- Béni soit le Seigneur, le dieu d'Israël.Brusquement la voix s'arrêta dans leur gorge. Elles avaient vu la face du moine et elles fuyaient d'épouvante en criant:-- Un vampire! un vampire!Il était devenu si hideux qu'en passant la main sur son visage, il sentit sa laideur.
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- Author Anatole France
You cry, "give us war!" You are visionaries. When will you become thinkers? The thinkers do not look for power and strength from any of the dreams that constitute military art: tactics, strategies, fortifications, artillery and all that rubbish. They do no believe in war, which is a fantasy; they believe in chemistry, which is a science. They know the way to put victory into an algebraic formula.
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- Author Anatole France
-Es de lo que más adolece nuestro pueblo -dijo ella-: no piensa.Y añadió al cabo de unos instantes:-Pero ¿en qué podrían ejecutar su agudeza las inteligencias que viven en un país donde el clima es templado y la existencia fácil? Incluso aquí, donde la necesidad apremia a los espíritus, nada es tan raro como un ser que piensa.
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