227 Quotes by Anderson Cooper

  • Author Anderson Cooper
  • Quote

    From the time we were little, you treated us as if our ideas mattered.

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  • Author Anderson Cooper
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    When a big event happens, people turn on to CNN, not only because they know there will be people there covering an event on the ground, but because they know we’re going to cover it in a way that’s non-partisan, that’s not left or right.

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  • Author Anderson Cooper
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    From the time we were little, you treated us as if our ideas mattered. You and Daddy encouraged us to form our own opinions, and listened when we expressed them. We were not just children in your eyes; we were people who deserved respect. That was a powerful lesson.

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  • Author Anderson Cooper
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    The people in Tacloban have great dignity and deserve better than what they have gotten.

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  • Author Anderson Cooper
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    We are not meant always to be happy, and who would want to be? Happiness would become meaningless if it were a constant state. If you accept that, then you will not be surprised when something bad occurs, you will not gnash your teeth and ask, “Why me? Why has this happened to me?” It has happened to you because that is the nature of things. No one escapes. The rainbow comes and goes. Enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t be surprised by its departure, rejoice when it returns.

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  • Author Anderson Cooper
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    The thing I love about reporting is being able to blend in with any group, whether that’s neo-Nazis or pedophiles.

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  • Author Anderson Cooper
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    Someone recently said to me that it is easier to be clever than it is to be kind, and I think that is very true. So I add to my list of regrets the times I have not been kind, choosing instead to be clever, usually at someone else’s expense.

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  • Author Anderson Cooper
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    Stop this dwelling on fantasy tragedies and disasters occurring unexpectedly. It is time wasted and leads to a dead end, such pursuits sap and waste energy. You tend to worry much too much over bad things occurring, events that may never happen. You can do this if you put your mind to it. Whenever those thoughts pop up, just give them a swift kick in the ass.

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  • Author Anderson Cooper
  • Quote

    How can my body betray me when there is so much still to be done? You see, it isn’t age itself that betrays you; it is your body, and with its deterioration goes your power. You end up obsessed, entirely focused on your health, paying attention to every nuance, every ache and pain. Instead of working or living your life, you waste your time on appointments with doctors.

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