42 Quotes by Andrew Klavan

  • Author Andrew Klavan
  • Quote

    The trouble with straw men is it only takes a single match to set them ablaze.

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  • Author Andrew Klavan
  • Quote

    Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to conviction of honor and good sense.

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  • Author Andrew Klavan
  • Quote

    If you’re not at least willing to die for something- something that really matters- in the end, you die for nothing.

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  • Author Andrew Klavan
  • Quote

    Stories are not just entertainment, not to me. A story records and transmits the experience of being human. It teaches us what it’s like to be who we are. Nothing but art can do this. There is no science that can capture the inner life. No words can describe it directly. We can only speak of it in metaphors. We can only say: it’s like this – this story, this picture, this song.

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  • Author Andrew Klavan
  • Quote

    It can be crazy hard. To keep your faith, to keep going. It can be harder than I ever would have imagined. Sometimes things happen to you, really bad things that aren’t fair, things that make you feel so terrible you’re not even sure who you are anymore or whether you’re right or wrong, good or bad. Sometimes you feel like there’s no one to turn to, and you’re all alone and so scared you can hardly move and so tired you just want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep forever.

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  • Author Andrew Klavan
  • Quote

    If you believe, the evidence is all around you. If you don’t believe, no evidence can be enough. All.

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  • Author Andrew Klavan
  • Quote

    I’m a professional journalist. Making up lies to fit the facts – it’s what we do.

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  • Author Andrew Klavan
  • Quote

    In the darkness, I had been afraid that he was evil. At dawn, I realized he had been my friend and guardian, watching over me all night long.

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  • Author Andrew Klavan
  • Quote

    Have you ever had to get through a day, smiling at people, talking, as if everything were normal and okay, while all the time you felt like you were carrying a leaden weight of unhappiness inside you?

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